"In My Mailbox" is a weekly post hosted at The Story Siren and it's about what new books we got in the mail or we bought or got in the library or whatever this week.
I went to Lubiana two days ago. We were heading home from Pohorje on which we had, let me tell you, such an amazing time!! We had a Psychology Camp! It was amazing! :) So yeah, on the way home we stopped to go to McDonald's and I spotted my favourite bookstore!! We used to have one in Maribor, but they closed it last year :/ So you can imagine how happy I was when I saw it. I think my wallet wasn't happy either. Who cares, right?
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Fire by Kristin Cashore
I've found these two and I was so so happy!! Graceling they all said it so so good so I NEEDED to buy this book! And of course the sequel as well :P
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Paranormalcy I think I saw somewhere on someone's blog that is really cool so I decided to buy it :) About Hush, Hush.. I've already read the book. Twice I think. In October the first time, and then after reading Silence, I've read it once more. I love this book. Really! I mean I love the whole series, but the first book is just Aaaaah <3. The way Patch makes her fell in love with him, the way he acts - honestly I want (once in my lifetime) a guy who will act exactly like Patch in this book! - Ok, without the killing part - that was creepy but seriously Who ever believed he would have done it? You see my point. So I needed to buy myself this book. It's like a personal bible about a guy of your dreams :P And it's not that he can't be real ;) Without the angel part anyway :PP
SO yeah I am so so happy about this books!
And also.. I've bought my Mum Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. She was really happy about it! :)
What did you got/bought this week? :)